Thursday, June 19, 2008

A Panda That Has Been Highly Trained In The Martial Arts (cont.)

A big fat panda, who is chosen as dragon warrior in order to fight with a powerful tiger. A fat, out-of-shape, klutzy son-of-a-duck panda sous-chef who is seemingly accidentally anointed as the Dragon Warrior who will face the big-bad-evil Tai Lung in a battle for the Valley of Peace. An adorably obese panda who begins to (foolishly?) believe in himself and goes through some intense Jedi-Master kung fu training. A panda who is very very cute and adorable. A fat panda (oh, I mean the fat panda). A panda who is damn cute who won by his stupidness. A panda who looks like Zaidi. A panda with a big bouncy tummy! A cute and flabby panda, Po. Entusiasta, grande y un poco patoso, el panda es un loco del kung fu, un pasatiempo que no encaja muy bien con su trabajo en el restaurante de tallarines de la familia. A pathetic Panda named Po who dreams of being a Kung Fu master, but he's stuck working in his father's noodle shop. A panda with inadequacy and limitations who does not give up. A panda doing very stupid and clumsy things actually. A portly panda named Po who hardly seems to have the makings of a great champion. A lazy panda named Po who threats to his community force him to step up as an unlikely kung fu hero. A fat panda, he's so fat and fat and fat, cutee. A panda who is enthusiastic, big and a little clumsy, and the biggest fan of kung fu around. A chubby panda who works in the noodle restaurant owned by his goose father Mr. Ping. De panda is enthousiast, groot en een beetje onhandig en hij is de grootste kungfufan ter wereld. Panda is wanting to be a real kung fu master and master trains him using food. Maar dat helpt hem niet echt bij zijn baantje in het noedelrestaurant van zijn familie. 自小就对虎、蛇、鹤、猴、螳螂五大惊世护法高手崇拜得五体投地的熊猫阿波,天天做梦都想当功夫皇帝。A panda who is a waiter at a noodle joint and has a goose for a father. Cerita Kung Fu Panda dimulai dari Po yang bermimpi jadi seorang jago kung fu. Ein Panda arbeitet im Familienbetrieb und verkauft Nudeln, doch er vergöttert die Furious Five, fünf Kung Fu Kämpfer, die im Jade Tempel bei Meister Shifu kung fu lernen, und träumt davon, einmal so zu sein, wie sie. Si panda, penjual mie yang selalu bermimpi menjadi jago kung fu. Un panda en pèlerinage pour accomplir sa destinée et devenir le guerrier du Dragon. A panda who is the coolest THE BOMB DIGGITY! Citer ni mengisahkan seekor Panda nama Po yg bapaknya nak dia mewarisi perniagaan jual mi. A childish panda.