Monday, June 16, 2008

A Panda That Has Been Highly Trained In The Martial Arts

A panda who works in the noodle restaurant owned by his goose father, who is also a kung fu fanatic with secret dreams of becoming a great master in the discipline. A sloppy, overweight but loveable panda who dreams to be a kung fu master one day. An inept panda who becomes a kung fu master to save the Valley of Peace. A bungling panda who aspires to be a kung fu warrior. A lazy, irreverent slacker panda named Po, who is the biggest fan of kung fu around. An overweight and ambitious young panda who spends his days working at his dad's noodle shop and his nights dreaming of becoming a legendary kung fu master. A big fat panda, his belly and everything about his look can’t justify why he will become a kung fu master. If he is willing to look an honest look at himself, he will easily judge himself to stop following his dream and selling noodles just like his father. A big fat panda that does martial arts along with some other animals, namely a tiger, a snake, a crane, a monkey and also a preying mantis. A clumsy panda named Po. This panda is the laziest of all the animals in the Valley of Peace! Po the panda loves kung fu more than anything in the world (with the possible exception of food). The lazy and irreverent panda must somehow become a kung fu master in order to save the Valley of Peace from a villainous snow leopard. I won’t get to the part on how a kung fu ‘moron’ panda got chosen as it would be another spoiler. A panda kung fu fan whose life is limited by his endless work in his father’s noodle restaurant. A loveable panda loser. A young, dorky, enthusiastic but insecure panda in a kingdom full of badass animals. A fat, delusional panda who dreams of being a kung fu fighter. A panda who is heir apparent of a noodle pushcart business dreams of being a great warrior. A clumsy panda Po, who works in his father's noodle restaurant and dreams of becoming a kung fu fighter. A rather large panda that dreams of a life as a heroic warrior. The big fat panda is the center of attention. This panda lacks any kind of physical conditioning for kung fu. Enthusiastic, big and a little clumsy, Po the panda is the biggest fan of kung fu around. Awesomeness is back, this time in the form of a near-to-extinct panda. Po is a big panda who dreams of being a great warrior. An underdog panda who follows his/her heart and is rewarded. A clumsy and food-loving panda who works in his father's noodle shop but dreams of being a kung fu warrior. An unlikely overweight panda possessed of little grace let alone fighting skills. A big fat panda called Po, who always dream of becoming a kung fu warrior, but is bounded by his heavy physical constraints. A very big but lovable panda stuck living a life of making noodle soups in a restaurant with his father but who in a twist of fate is chosen by the temple master, a wise turtle, as the Dragon warrior who will bring peace to the region. A lazy panda who wants to see dragon warrior contest, but got announced as dragon warrior for the group due to circumstances. A chubby panda who wishes he was a kung fu hero amongst all other animals. A young panda named Po who dreams of running away from his father’s noodle shop to become a kung fu master. You have an animated panda that does kung fu. A very portly panda bear that works in his father's noodle stand. A plump, clumsy, innocent adolescent panda who lives in a Chinese valley and dreams of his kung fu heroes. A panda bear named Po who works in the family's noodle shop and is a kung fu enthusiast. A panda who is the laziest animals in all of the Valley of Peace, but unwittingly becomes the chosen one when enemies threaten their way of life. A big, fat panda who’s not happy about working in the family noodle-making business. A fat panda (is there any other kind?) that dreams about being an awesome kung fu warrior, and when given the chance, rises to the occasion. A slacker panda working in his family’s noodle shop who dreams of studying kung fu alongside his idols. A tubby panda who loves tales about martial-arts heroes and dreams of being one himself. A clumsy panda bear who becomes an unlikely kung fu hero. An overfed and under-challenged panda who works in his family's noodle shop during the day and dreams of being a kung fu master at night. A kindly panda forced to become a kung fu master to save his jungle from leopard villains. An obese panda who dreams of being a kung fu master and not of schlepping away in his father’s lowly noodle shop. A friendly panda ready for a change in his life. A panda who looks just like my boyfriend, so now I call him Panda. A cute yet out-of-shape panda who dreams of being a kung fu master. A bumbling, pot-bellied panda who has greatness thrust upon him when anointed to protect his community. A fat kung fu fighting panda. A panda bear and noodle shop waiter that is selected, seemingly by accident, to become the legendary Dragon Warrior. A fat panda who becomes a kung fu Master without losing an ounce of weight and learns that his weight and body are his greatest assets. A panda who works with his goose dad selling noodles at their restaurant. An overweight panda obsessed with kung fu, living in a bizarro China. A lovable slacker panda, son of the town's noodle-making goose.