Wednesday, April 12, 2006

More Captain

I really, really liked how they did Captain America. His out of sink with reality was too cute, actually, about all his non-combat interactions were cute. On a side note, Captain America reminded me of Cloud minus the alien mind control freak whip & he lacked the slightly feminine appearance.

"Captain America, we need your help!"
"Plaintive, Captain America."
"Where are you going?"
"I threw a rock at him."

After that, Captain America spent some time in Afghanistan fighting terrorists.

DC Comics had a solution for this. During the war, they decided to craft their stories as such: Hitler is in possession of the Spear of Destiny. This is the spear Jesus was stabbed with when he was on the cross. In Hitler's hands, it caused any serious superhero that came within Nazi territory to go crazy/lose their powers/get brainwashed to the Nazi side. This meant that powerhouses like Superman/Wonder Woman/Green Lantern couldn't go into Germany and win the war. They'd have to settle for fighting Nazis in America. Weaker heroes, or ones without any superpowers, could get into Germany to fight the Nazis. Basically, anyone that could singlehandedly win the war was magically unable to enter Nazi territory.

"The events of history seem to be happening to him."
"Time to be eating the hot dogs of America."